12 Helpful Tips on Building Large React Apps

estatic infotech
5 min readAug 20, 2021


One day in your software development career you’ll run into a large React app. And it’s going to be a situation!

Most of the little to medium projects written in React is not that ambitious to handgrip. But sizable ones are an assorted story. Having ten developers working on a React app can cognizance an ascending struggle.

You should be improved by knowing several rules and tricks to with success cope with the complications that will aspect you.

Large Scale React Apps Development

In this article, you’ll insight respective tips that may be of outstanding help. Precede them when working on a large-scale React app.

1. Follow coding standards

Any sizable company has its program. And those are necessary. Before that, there are fewer community rules called high-grade exercise. The high-grade code is the one written by the almost hardworking developers for the faineant ones.

So form certain you are sensible of the thoughts shared by Ryan McDermott in Clean JavaScript, folks from Airbnb in their JavaScript Style Guide, W3 JavaScript Best Practices, or related resources.

2. Use Typescript

Rigorous typing assists your team to interpret the code and prevents expected run-time errors.

The compiler nature of Typescript may misidentify few developers, but it has the uttermost prognostic accuracy. Moreover, you acquire a helping hand from IDEs like VSCode on code completion.

3. Decouple logic from UI

There are two ambitious points in programming: decoupling business logic from UI and naming covariants.

Contempt their complicated nature, using them boosts intelligibility. Decoupling can be file or page range. Let’s likeness two code snippets to elaborate on the benefits you’ll acquire.

// bad


onClick= {()=>{





disabled={data.status === ‘loading’ && !inputState || otherCondition}

// good




4. Adhere SOLID principles

All OOP developers are acquainted with five SOLID rules:

  • Single responsibility
  • Open-Close
  • Liskov substitution
  • Interface segregation
  • Dependency inversion principles

Livelihood in knowledge, that those rules are relevant to React though it is a large structural programming library. This evidence has been evidenced by many functional examples.

5. Learn design patterns

There are functional solutions to ordinary software problems. On the various hand, different of OOP design patterns have been translated circulating.

6. Obey naming conventions

Good naming is a defense of the readability and summarization of the ongoing procedure. It can be a factual complication most of the time. Developers oftentimes fall into the device of incompleteness or exaggeration.

For illustration, they may usage broad-meaning words such as ‘check’, ‘look’ alternatively of much faithful ‘is’, ‘exists’, ‘get’, ‘fetch’, ‘has’, or apply ‘handle’ in the meaning of ‘do something, although it links to event handling.

There are various conventions for naming React files, modules, and multivariates.

You should precede the high-grade patterns preceded by the JavaScript assemblage and knowing the dos and don’ts of naming. can download or makeover ESLint rules according to your prime.

// bad

var visible = true;

// good

var isVisible = true;

7. Use Recoil and React-query, not Redux and Saga

This tip may assist you in alteration the coding speed up to 3 times. You’ll also take down the danger of memory leaks caused by the redux-saga storing all question data inside Redux. Improved code comprehensibility would come as an incentive.

8. Create a fake (mock) data server

The chief attribute of React-like frameworks is separating backend code from the frontend. But at several points, you acquire a mutualist on the backend as if any service gets a 503 error or is not prompt yet. Frontend developers shouldn’t hold for backend periodicals to be resolved.

In such cases, I proposed using the connect-api-mocker library. MirageJS is a cracking prime too. FakerJS can assist you makeover haphazard real-like data.

9. Modularize the project

Grandparent (global) -> parent -> children (local) like tree configuration is the high-grade alternative for folder and code structure. Let’s anticipate you have a Component1 and a Component2, and they have styles external of their folders. It’s an awful pattern to precede.

The helpless structure shouldn’t be permitted over flooded modularization, as cracking code pursues the rule of maintainability and readability.

10. Create a strict page folder structure

Once in a while one developer might kind the UI part of a page and others conveyance on the promote development of connecting it to the API. How do you signifier a decipherable element structure?

A couple of weeks ago I created a constituent and folder structure to be the basic one ever generally for pages. It’s called the Trenary folder structure and departs components into partials, blocks, and components. You can easily proceed with any uncompleted work and adapt the SOLID principles.

11. Master version control

This is particularly crucial for team leads. Developers will reckon on Git for not losing the procedure. There will be so numerous versioning-related issues like:

  • Losing a code block.
  • Rolling back to some special date.
  • Editing released variants without changing the ongoing development.
  • Creating, tracking, and logging changes.

Those are all complex duties that necessitate following rigorous rules.

You might demand to acquire git commit, stash, cherry-pick, rebase, merge, fsck commands to the depths: try a cool game for fun learning.

Retrieve that Gitflow is the almost booming branching scheme.

Utilization of semantic versioning. Use becoming software accomplishment life cycle for naming development phases.

Use accepted acts to name your commits and track tasks in Jira (or any software you used). This will assist you to trigger automatic releases, generate a changelog, and find out semantic versions.

12. Care about form handling

You should program your forms faithful. Several of those libraries may be of assist:

react-hooks-form is an outstanding form handler with isolated and decreased re-render technology and little complicated code.

yup will make over a client-side validation before asking the server and is effortless to utilize with form libraries.

By and large

React makes developers’ life effortless. Yet there are many pains to heal. I shared various tips that may aid you in dealing with sizable projects. Use them and livelihood looking for brand-new structures to amend your work.



estatic infotech
estatic infotech

Written by estatic infotech

Estatic Infotech is a leading and top-rated web, mobile app & software development company in India, providing high-quality and result-driven web and mobile app

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